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The overall subject in my work is the human tendency to interpret reality instead of accepting it as it is. We look at everyday reality with a blue-print of how reality is, and will be, already in our minds. The moment or the Now is already shaped before it is even here. What is reality and what do we perceive reality to be? These are important questions in my work. What objective reality really is or how it manifests itself still remains a mystery to me.

In line with the questions above, another important aspect in my work is how the outer world reflects your inner reality. Our inner reality transforms the outer world’s reality to a certain extent. The way we influence and transform the reality that’s right in front of us is a mechanism I discuss in my work.

The process of influencing reality even before it has arrived is connected with our need and desire for control. A way in which we try to gain more control, is investigating the world around us and by doing so collecting more knowledge in order to predict it and remove the unknown. However, at the same time knowledge determines what we see and how much we see. As if there is no world other than the world as we know it. My work deals with this vicious cycle that is caused by our epistemological desire that at the same time broadens and narrows our vision. This new knowledge broadens our vision, while we have more knowledge of the things around each other and us and in that way we can ‘see’ them. But this same knowledge narrows our vision because we are not looking further than what we already understand and see. Holding on to what we know and expect is a seemingly comforting position. The question present in all my work is therefore if al these attempts to grasp and control the world are already doomed to fail in advance. Why not simply accept reality as it comes and goes?

One way to investigate reality is through creating a representation of it, a method often used in science. Representations however are omnipresent in daily life as well. For example a photograph of a diamond in a magazine is referred to as the real object, a diamond. I am fascinated by these different representations of reality and by the mechanism of creating representations as well. What the influences and effects of these representations are on reality itself, how we perceive reality to be and what it does with the topic under investigation plays an important role in my work. A representation of reality and actual reality are two totally different things. What is real and what is our reality? What do we see right in front of our eyes? How can you investigate the things we are part of?